Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Sad times...

It has been 6 months today since our Uncle Fergus crossed the Rainbow Bridge...

We miss him every day.

Every hug she gives me, is a hug for you too, Fergie.


  1. :-( We miss hearing your Uncle Fergus stories too! Licks and loves on his 6 month anniversary!!

  2. Foley tells us she sees Uncle Fergus everyday and he is having a grand time on his cloud and playing by the river. He sends you all his love and misses every one of your dearly

  3. It's good she's got you....

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. The void left behind is never totally filled . . .

    Murphy and Stanley

  5. My Mom remembers everyone of her furbabie. Everyone takes a piece of your heart but the new ones bring it back. Heart hugs, Bentley

  6. Oh guys, it's always tough to loose a furiend....I hopes huggin' both of you (yes, I'm includin' FLOYDIE!!! [hey dude!!]) will help ease the pain. (well, unless Floydie drools on ya, then all bets are off!!! BOL)
    Ruby ♥♥

  7. I'm within two weeks of a year ago (Oct 5) when I lost Kenzie, the Westie. We grew up together and I really do miss the feisty devil. I miss Fergus also and was his date on Valentine's Day-I hope it wasn't the date that did him in.

  8. Ditto, big hugs coming your way. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. It takes a long time to get past the pain of losing our precious furkids. Big hugs to you, Dougall ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  10. Dougall give your mum a gentle nose nudge from me.

    Aroo to you,

  11. I understand - it took me nearly a year to get over the loss of my dog Shadow. I had some tough days. I muddled through and life kept going on - but that kind of loss, well, it is still there. Hang in there - I can only tell you it will eventually get more bearable. Hugs and licks.

  12. He is remembered through you guys. Hugs.
