Sunday 11 October 2020

Bucket List: Steak Dinner

If you ask me, being a vegetarian would be a huge miss-steak!

Since I got sick I haven't really been into eat. Unless it's treats, I'm still very much into having those! Seeing as having a steak dinner is on my Bucket List the peep decided to give it a go and see if a nice piece of rump would interest me.

And well, this video speaks for itself...

Of course I gobbled up the veggies too, I love carrots!

Remember everpawdy, make the most of every day...
Don't just MEAT expectations... Exceed them!



  1. That was a pawesome dinner, Dougall. We all LOVE steak too!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. I totally agree Dougall. And you put it so well. Being a vegetarian would be a HUGE mis-steak. So please you enjoyed your special dinner.
    Toodle pip!

  3. You are making me drool, Dougall. I love steak and carrots too!

  4. Boy oh Boy that’s looks yummy. I am going to have a bark at mom about having Steak and Veggie.

  5. In my country the expression a chicken in every pot is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Well a rump on a plate sounds better to me. Keep eating Dougall.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. BOL! SW, 'rump on a plate'! BOL! That should be someone's motto!
    I would LOVES me some rump! Looks like you sure did wipe that plate clean! butts, what is with all those nasty veggies???? I would have only eaten the corns...I likes the corn ☺
    Ruby ♥
