Monday, 4 January 2021

Non-blogger bloggers

Hi everypawdy!

We don't remember how to follow non-blogger blogs.... :/ We've been trying to figure it out, but we've decided to just ask for help.

How do we do it?

If you are a non-blogger blogger can you please post a link to your blog so we can catch up on your posts?

Thank you!


  1. We aren't we know how to "follow" a nonblogger blog. But Mom uses to keep up on the blogs she likes. She just adds them to the feed and every day the new posts pop up there. Then she can click on the post and it brings her right to the blog, Blogger or WordPress or whatever. Hope this helps.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Either bookmark the site, or copy and paste the URL to a paper on the computer and then click either one. Word Press makes you have an account to comment.

  3. We use Feedly and hopefully, never miss a post for any blog that we are subscribed to.

  4. I have the Bloglist gadget on my blog, doesn't look like you do, so here's how to do it:
    click 'New Post' at top right of your blog.
    On the left side, there will be a 'Reading List' with a little flag, click on that.
    On the right side of the page, there will be 'Blogs I follow', click on the little "pencil" like image.
    That will take you to 'Manage Blogs I follow'. On the top right, there will be an "Add" button, click on that.
    A window will pop up "Add blogs to follow"
    Open in another window/tab the blog you want to add.
    Copy and paste it to the pop up window's address bar.
    Click 'Next'.
    on the next window, click 'follow'.
    That should do it!
    Hope that wasn't too confusing! BOL!
    Ruby ♥
