Sunday, 22 September 2013

The dreaded "B" word...

I heard it mentioned yesterday... I am on EDGE!!


  1. OMD!! That was sooooo funny! I thinks I saw Floydie in there!! BOL
    Ruby ♥☺

  2. We just came back from the river and have had our BATHs! We don't like them, but we're not allowed inside until we've had them, so we just line up. Even Roxy lined up for hers today.

    There were some funny dogs there. We get bathed in the laundry tub.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. I don't mind the baths except for the water, the soap and the drying off

  4. I feel just like them doggies I hate bath time too.
    Hope they all got treats after.

  5. OMD soooo funny. I had my bath today and the best part is when it's over.

    Aroo to you,

  6. It's a wonder that some of those humans didn't get bitten.

  7. That was too funny!! I loved the Floyd doggie and I'm with Kyla, I'm surprised some of the humans didn't get it! Makes me glad I have a small dog I can 'catch' Bwahaha!!!
    Alyssa, Mr. Fox & Scruffy

  8. :-) :-) :-)

    Krissy and I can both laugh because we've never had a bath since we've been here with Mum and Dad! :-)

  9. OMD Dougall you are getting water boarded. Yikes run and hide pal. Ancient Pip had some accidents today early morning and we are so tired so thank you so much for the belly laugh we sure needed it. Cheered us up big time. LOL one looked like Floyd. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. OMG, that was sooooooooo funny! Thank you for the Sunday morning laughs, Dougall!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. Oh my Dougall if I had the attitude of some of the doggies I would be a goner. I have learned a bath is a necessity for the privilege of living in this home. Yada Yada Yada you should here my Lee go on and on.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Sweet William The Scot

  12. BOL! That was so funny!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. I hate bathing too - and will never get used to it! But I dont mind the odd dip in shallow water. Just not a bath.

  14. That's me, I'm squealing as fast as my trotters take me when I hear the "b" word. Squeeeee!

  15. I feel your pain, I had to have a bath from the human this weekend too...

  16. Bawahwhahhwa love the video, glad I haven't heard her mention baff :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  17. OH MY DAWGNESS!!! This is the funniest movie.

  18. Poor dogs. LOL. I love the one from 7.95. Now that was one horror movie going to happen.
